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Top 100 des destinations urbaines dans le monde

La mondialisation et Internet signifient que les gens s'aventureront davantage en dehors de leur arrière-cour, explorant différentes villes du monde et partageant leurs expériences avec leurs amis, leur famille et même des étrangers en ligne. Les gens d'aujourd'hui, en particulier les milléniaux, préfèrent acheter des expériences plutôt que des choses, et la culture croissante des horaires de travail flexibles leur permet de faire exactement cela.

En 2017, les Américains ont dépensé environ 135 milliards de dollars pour le tourisme, et bon nombre des villes les plus populaires auprès des touristes comptent sur l'industrie en plein essor pour soutenir leur économie. L'afflux de visiteurs internationaux a également contraint les pays à résoudre les problèmes de surpeuplement ou d'infrastructures en ruine dans leurs villes les plus populaires, et il favorise de nouvelles relations et alliances entre les pays qui cherchent à échanger des visiteurs.

À l'aide des données du rapport 2019 Top 100 City Destinations d'Euromonitor International, Stacker a compilé une liste des 100 meilleures destinations urbaines au monde. Chaque ville est classée selon son classement Euromonitor et les diapositives affichent le nombre d'arrivées pour 2018 et 2019. Selon le rapport, une arrivée est définie comme un touriste d'un autre pays visitant la ville pendant au moins 24 heures mais moins de 12 heures. mois. Les voyageurs qui ont visité une ville plus d'une fois et ceux qui ont visité plusieurs villes au cours d'un voyage sont inclus dans le nombre final d'arrivées.

Il est intéressant de noter que 75% des villes de la liste sont situées en Asie ou en Europe, l'Asie revendiquant 43 des 100 premières villes. L'abondance d'expériences culturelles dans chaque pays et les prix compétitifs rendent le continent attrayant pour les blogueurs de voyage et les personnes qui cherchent à combiner travail et loisirs.

Que vous cherchiez à bronzer sur les plus belles plages, à goûter à la cuisine la plus exotique et la plus savoureuse, à vous promener dans l'histoire complexe d'une ville ou à visiter les musées, cette liste est un excellent endroit pour planifier votre prochaine escapade.

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#100. Bangalore, Inde

- Arrivées 2019 :2,68 millions (variation de 19,5 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,24 millions (variation de 25,7 % de 2017 à 2018)

Également connue sous le nom de Bengaluru, cette ville du sud de l'Inde est considérée comme la capitale technologique du pays pour son industrie informatique lucrative. Cela contribue à faire de Bangalore l'une des villes les plus développées d'Inde. Cependant, ces développements sont principalement situés dans les banlieues extérieures de la ville, car le centre de Bangalore rappelle encore la domination britannique de l'Inde de 1858 à 1947.

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#99. Krabi, Thaïlande

- Arrivées 2019 :2,39 millions (variation de 5,8 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,26 millions (variation de 6,5 % de 2017 à 2018)

Cette région pittoresque de Thaïlande compte quelque 200 îles au large des côtes du continent, idéales pour une journée d'île en île entre les différentes plages magnifiques et les villages de pêcheurs. Krabi lui-même offre aux visiteurs la possibilité d'explorer les falaises de calcaire, les grottes marines, les temples thaïlandais historiques, les plages de sable blanc et la multitude de marchés de la région.

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#98. Rio de Janeiro, Brésil

- Arrivées 2019 :2,33 millions (variation de 2,3 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,28 millions (variation de 1,2 % de 2017 à 2018)

Abritant la célèbre statue du Christ Rédempteur et le festival emblématique et animé du Carnaval, ce joyau sud-américain offre aux visiteurs une multitude d'activités qui peuvent plaire à tout touriste. Visitez le Maracanã, le plus grand stade de football du Brésil. Explorez les eaux bleues des plages d'Ipanema et de Copacabana. Prenez un téléphérique jusqu'au Pain de Sucre pour admirer les meilleures vues de Rio, et enfin, terminez vos journées en découvrant la vie nocturne emblématique du Brésil.

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#97. Rhodes, Grèce

- Arrivées 2019 :2,41 millions (variation de 3,3 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,34 millions (variation de 7,3 % de 2017 à 2018)

La plus grande des îles du Dodécanèse est une destination incontournable pour les visiteurs qui souhaitent se détendre et faire un voyage dans le passé. La construction de la vieille ville de Rhodes a commencé en 407 avant J.-C., et les murs médiévaux, les rues pavées et le palais restauré du Grand Maître vous transporteront au XIVe siècle. Des thèmes médiévaux et historiques sont également présents dans le reste de l'île et se combinent parfaitement avec des attractions et des équipements modernes pour vous offrir des vacances bien équilibrées.

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#96. Porto, Portugal

- Arrivées 2019 :2,49 millions (variation de 6,4 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,34 millions (variation de 4,9 % de 2017 à 2018)

Porto est encore une autre ville qui combine l'ancien, le nouveau et les belles plages. Le quartier de Ribeira, qui surplombe le magnifique fleuve Douro, regorge de superbes architectures du XVIIIe siècle, de boutiques d'artisanat, d'églises ornées et de restaurants pittoresques. Avant de quitter Porto, assurez-vous d'essayer le vin de Porto, un vin fortifié aux allures de dessert pour lequel le Portugal est connu.

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#95. Jeju, Corée du Sud

- Arrivées 2019 :2,28 millions (-3% de variation de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,35 millions (-3,3% de variation de 2017 à 2018)

L'île de Jeju est connue sous le nom de "Hawaï de la Corée du Sud", avec une myriade de volcans, des sentiers de randonnée, des cascades et une flore vibrante. Jeju a également une histoire plutôt sombre, car des dizaines de milliers de personnes sont mortes lorsque les rebelles pro-communistes se sont affrontés avec le gouvernement dans les années 1940 et 1950. Les visiteurs peuvent faire un tour sombre, qui éduque les gens sur les périodes sombres de l'histoire de Jeju.

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#94. Abu Dhabi, Émirats Arabes Unis

- Arrivées 2019 : 2,57 millions (variation de 6,8 % entre 2018 et 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 : 2,4 millions (variation de 7,1 % entre 2017 et 2018)

La belle capitale des Émirats arabes unis est devenue une métropole moderne et développée, grâce aux vastes réserves de pétrole de la ville. Abu Dhabi offre aux visiteurs un avant-goût du luxe tout en rendant hommage à la riche histoire et à la religion islamique de la région. Explorez les magnifiques déserts et oasis de la région, visitez la grande mosquée Sheikh Zayed, la plus grande et la plus impressionnante du pays sur le plan architectural, dégustez un authentique café arabe, naviguez sur l'un des fronts de mer d'Abu Dhabi et mettez la main à la pâte. bras peints par de célèbres artistes au henné pour découvrir pleinement cette magnifique ville.

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#93. Fukuoka, Japon

- Arrivées 2019 :2,53 millions (variation de 3,6 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,44 millions (variation de 20,3 % de 2017 à 2018)

Pour les voyageurs souhaitant découvrir les ramen, les sushis et les fruits de mer frais les plus savoureux, ils devraient planifier leur visite à Fukuoka. La ville est située sur l'île de Kyushu et est en fait deux villes combinées, Fukuoka et Hakata, et c'est une destination incontournable en toute saison de l'année. Découvrez les riches saveurs et les textiles des magasins et des marchés de la ville. Si vous êtes en visite au printemps, assurez-vous de visiter le sanctuaire Dazaifu Tenmangu pour voir 6 000 pruniers fleurir tout autour de vous, et visitez le musée national d'histoire de Kyushu qui se trouve sur le terrain du sanctuaire et explique l'histoire du célèbre l'érudit Michizane Sugawara.

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#92. Nice, France

- Arrivées 2019 :2,58 millions (variation de 4,7 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,47 millions (variation de 6 % de 2017 à 2018)

Un centre culturel ensoleillé et animé dans le sud-est de la France, il n'y a pas de fin aux activités que les gens peuvent faire à Nice. Située le long de la Côte d'Azur, Nice est une ville de toits en terre cuite, d'excellents restaurants, de belles plages publiques et privées et de musées parfaits pour les amateurs d'histoire, de musique et d'art. Assurez-vous de visiter le palais Lascaris si vous cherchez à voir une belle collection d'instruments de musique et leur histoire enfermée dans un palais à l'architecture grandiose. Assurez-vous de terminer votre journée en regardant le coucher de soleil depuis la colline du château, le point culminant de Nice qui abritait autrefois une ancienne citadelle militaire, mais qui est maintenant une visite incontournable pour obtenir la meilleure vue de tout Nice.

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#91. Batam, Indonésie

- Arrivées 2019 :2,85 millions (variation de 14,4 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,49 millions (variation de 11,9 % de 2017 à 2018)

Situé à moins d'une heure de bateau de Singapour, Batam est un centre pittoresque de villages de pêcheurs sur pilotis et de spas. Les visiteurs peuvent profiter d'une variété de sports nautiques, tels que la plongée sous-marine et le ski nautique. Les amateurs de sports terrestres peuvent profiter de l'un des sept parcours de golf qui font la renommée de Batam. Enfin, les voyageurs qui souhaitent passer des vacances plus détendues peuvent profiter du soleil sur la plage de Nongsa, essayer des plats indonésiens traditionnels disponibles dans les nombreux restaurants de fruits de mer et visiter le pont de Barelang, qui relie Batam à deux autres îles, Rempang et Galang.

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#90. Da Nang, Vietnam

- Arrivées 2019 :2,88 millions (variation de 15 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,51 millions (variation de 25 % de 2017 à 2018)

Da Nang est un joyau pour les visiteurs, car il offre encore une pléthore de sites et d'activités pour les touristes, mais peut être négligé car il se situe entre les célèbres villes de Hanoi au nord et Ho Chi Minh-Ville au sud. Trois des attractions les plus célèbres d'une visite typique de Da Nang sont toutes surélevées :Ba Na Hills (contenant l'emblématique Golden Bridge soulevé par des mains de pierre géantes), Marble Mountains (collines de calcaire et de marbre et contenant plusieurs sanctuaires bouddhistes) et Son Tra Mountain (traduit par Monkey Mountain et nommé d'après les rares singes qui y vivent).

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#89. Lima, Pérou

- Arrivées 2019 :2,76 millions (variation de 9 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,54 millions (variation de 8 % de 2017 à 2018)

La capitale du Pérou a été assez sous-estimée par rapport à d'autres endroits notables du pays sud-américain. " La Cité des Rois" est le mélange parfait d'histoire, de nature, de vie nocturne et de culture. Assurez-vous de vous arrêter dans le quartier de Miraflores, un quartier huppé de Lima, où vous pourrez faire du parapente sur la côte péruvienne, profiter d'une balade à vélo avec vue sur l'océan Pacifique, faire la fête toute la nuit dans l'un des nombreux clubs et bars de Miraflores, et explorer le différents vendeurs de nourriture et de magasins parmi les nombreux chats errants protégés du parc Kennedy.

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#88. Stockholm, Suède

- Arrivées 2019 :2,72 millions (variation de 4,5 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,60 millions (variation de 5,3 % de 2017 à 2018)

Il ne manque pas de choses à faire dans la capitale suédoise, qui marie le passé et l'avenir en toute transparence. L'île de Gamla Stan, où Stockholm a été fondée, en est un bon exemple. Pendant que vous explorez, assurez-vous de faire une pause "fika", une tradition suédoise qui encourage la détente et la socialisation avec des amis et des collègues autour d'un café et de friandises avant de reprendre l'agitation de la vie quotidienne.

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#87. Francfort, Allemagne

- Arrivées 2019 :2,73 millions (variation de 3,5 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,64 millions (variation de 5,6 % de 2017 à 2018)

Ces dernières années, Francfort a commencé à perdre son surnom de "porte d'entrée de l'Europe" et devient plus qu'une simple escale sur la route vers d'autres destinations majeures. Visitez la vieille ville de Römerberg pendant les vacances pour découvrir son immense marché de Noël. Faites un voyage à la maison restaurée de Goethe, où le célèbre écrivain Johann Wolfgang von Goethe est né. Enfin, montez dans la tour principale pour admirer la ligne d'horizon de Francfort et la rivière Main, qui ont été comparées au paysage urbain et au front de mer de Manhattan à New York.

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#86. Chiba, Japon

- Arrivées 2019 :2,78 millions (variation de 3,5 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,68 millions (variation de 10,4 % de 2017 à 2018)

Chiba, située à un peu moins de 25 miles de Tokyo, offre quelque chose pour toute la famille. Non seulement il y a deux parcs Disney et la plus longue plage du Japon (plage de Kujukuri), mais la ville historique de Sawara, située le long d'un canal appelé Little Edo, organise des festivals deux fois par an pour célébrer les célèbres héros guerriers japonais.

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#85. Ville de Buenos Aires, Argentine

- Arrivées 2019 :2,77 millions (variation de 3 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,69 millions (variation de 5,2 % de 2017 à 2018)

Buenos Aires est un endroit pas comme les autres - le berceau de la danse sensuelle du tango tire le meilleur de l'Europe et de l'Amérique latine pour offrir aux voyageurs une expérience unique en matière de gastronomie, de danse, de vie nocturne et d'architecture. Les attractions incluent le célèbre Café Tortoni, ouvert depuis 1858, et le vaste cimetière de Recoleta, où sont enterrés les riches, célèbres et politiquement importants d'Argentine, et des visites guidées gratuites sont disponibles deux fois par semaine. Après un dîner de fin de soirée qui devrait inclure un steak et du vin, les produits les plus populaires de Buenos Aires, restez jusqu'au lendemain matin danser toute la nuit dans l'un des nombreux boliches de la ville.

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#84. Mugla, Turquie

- Arrivées 2019 :2,92 millions (variation de 7,2 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,72 millions (variation de 37,4 % de 2017 à 2018)

Cette province, au bord de la mer Égée, est connue pour ses nombreuses ruines et ses activités de plein air. Prenez un bateau pour l'île Gemiler, qui abrite des vestiges d'églises et de tombes de l'époque byzantine. Découvrez ce qu'il reste du mausolée d'Halicarnasse, l'une des sept merveilles du monde antique, dont la construction a été achevée en 350 av. Enfin, découvrez Kayaköy, une ville fantôme depuis 1923 qui témoigne encore d'une époque où musulmans et chrétiens y vivaient en harmonie.

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#83. Varsovie, Pologne

- Arrivées 2019 :2,83 millions (variation de 3,5 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,73 millions (variation de 3,9 % de 2017 à 2018)

Visiter la capitale de la Pologne, c'est comme faire un voyage à travers l'histoire tumultueuse de la ville, car elle a connu de nombreuses occupations et destructions, notamment en 1944, lorsqu'Adolf Hitler a ordonné que la ville soit complètement rasée après le soulèvement de Varsovie. Depuis lors, cependant, Varsovie a été reconstruite et restaurée, mais elle rend toujours hommage à sa difficile histoire. Découvrez l'histoire du soulèvement et le sacrifice de la résistance polonaise lors du soulèvement de Varsovie, avec une entrée gratuite le dimanche. Visitez le musée POLIN, qui documente l'histoire de la communauté juive en Pologne depuis le XIIIe siècle. Honorez les soldats polonais tombés au combat pendant la Première Guerre mondiale et assistez à la relève de la garde sur la tombe du soldat inconnu, active depuis 1925.

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#82. Hurghada, Égypte

- Arrivées 2019 :3,87 millions (variation de 41,3 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,74 millions (variation de 46,8 % de 2017 à 2018)

Hurghada est littéralement une escapade faite pour les touristes - le village de pêcheurs a été transformé en station balnéaire et s'est développé rapidement ces dernières années. Hurghada est située entre la majestueuse mer Rouge et le désert oriental. Pour les activités nautiques, il existe de nombreux sites de plongée qui sont parfaits pour les novices et les plongeurs expérimentés pour voir différents poissons, récifs coralliens, épaves ou les trois. Si vous souhaitez explorer le désert, vous pouvez faire une excursion en quad dans le désert, faire une balade à dos de chameau le long de la plage ou vers les colonies bédouines voisines, et prendre un bus pour visiter le Caire, la capitale égyptienne.

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#81. Honolulu, États-Unis

- Arrivées 2019 :2,85 millions (variation de 4,2 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,74 millions (variation de 1,9 % de 2017 à 2018)

La capitale de la chaîne d'îles bien-aimée des États-Unis combine travail, loisirs, histoire triste et culture exotique. L'endroit le plus remarquable à visiter doit être le USS Arizona Memorial à Pearl Harbor, en souvenir du cuirassé qui a été bombardé le 7 décembre 1941. Pour les visiteurs qui souhaitent explorer le meilleur d'Hawaï, selon les habitants, ils devraient marcher jusqu'au sommet de l'emblématique cratère Diamond Head, visitez la réserve naturelle de Kaena Point et admirez les phoques moines hawaïens géants originaires de la région (et sont malheureusement en voie de disparition), et assistez au spectacle de danse hula qui se déroule trois fois par semaine à Kuhio Beach au coucher du soleil.

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#80. Guilin, Chine

- Arrivées 2019 :2,98 millions (variation de 8,5 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,75 millions (variation de 10,4 % de 2017 à 2018)

Guilin est l'une des destinations les plus populaires du sud de la Chine en raison de ses merveilles naturelles. Connu pour ses karsts emblématiques - des collines déchiquetées en calcaire - les fans de la franchise Star Wars reconnaîtront peut-être que Guilin a été utilisé comme toile de fond dans "Star Wars:Revenge of the Sith" pour représenter la planète Wookie de Kashyyyk. Une attraction touristique populaire consiste à faire une croisière le long de la magnifique rivière Li, qui offrira aux visiteurs une vue sur les karsts, divers villages de pêcheurs, les rizières, les grottes calcaires et les champs de bambous.

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#79. Tel-Aviv, Israël

- Arrivées 2019 :2,98 millions (variation de 7,2 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,78 millions (variation de 7,9 % de 2017 à 2018)

Tel Aviv est une ville branchée, colorée et moderne qui se distingue parmi les villes et villages plus historiques et plus anciens pour lesquels Israël est généralement connu. Sur la côte de la mer Méditerranée à l'ouest, Tel-Aviv est une plaque tournante de l'art, de la technologie, de l'innovation et de la vie nocturne sauvage. Tel Aviv est également connue pour être l'une des villes les plus favorables aux LGBTQ+ et les plus progressistes du Moyen-Orient, avec un quart de sa population faisant partie de la communauté, et accueille chaque année un défilé massif de la fierté qui attire des touristes du monde entier. venir voir.

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#78. Auckland, Nouvelle-Zélande

- Arrivées 2019 :2,93 millions (variation de 4,5 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,80 millions (variation de 5 % de 2017 à 2018)

La plus grande région de Nouvelle-Zélande est également compacte et pratique :les touristes peuvent se rendre à la plupart des principales attractions en moins d'une demi-heure d'où qu'ils se trouvent. L'une de ces attractions majeures est la Sky Tower, le plus haut bâtiment de Nouvelle-Zélande, où les visiteurs peuvent non seulement profiter d'une terrasse d'observation, mais aussi effectuer un saut en base depuis une plate-forme située près du sommet de la tour. Même si la ville d'Auckland est une destination urbaine florissante, les îles et les volcans endormis de la région sont vraiment ce pour quoi elle est connue.

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#77. Cebu, Philippines

- Arrivées 2019 :3,54 millions (variation de 26,2 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,81 millions (variation de 24,9 % de 2017 à 2018)

Les activités de plein air ne manquent pas à Cebu et dans toutes les îles qui l'entourent. Vous pouvez venir admirer les spectaculaires eaux cristallines des nombreuses plages de Cebu et nager avec les poissons, mais assurez-vous d'emporter vos chaussures de randonnée et votre maillot de bain dans les nombreuses forêts de l'île. Cebu est connue pour ses nombreuses cascades, à la fois populaires et cachées, parfaites pour sauter des falaises ou simplement se détendre avec vos amis après une randonnée qui peut parfois être longue et impliquer une escalade avec des cordes.

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#76. Calcutta, Inde

- Arrivées 2019 :3,13 millions (variation de 10,8 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,83 millions (variation de 10,4 % de 2017 à 2018)

La Cité de la joie, comme on l'appelle souvent, ne montre qu'un côté de l'histoire compliquée et coloniale de cette ville. Appelée Calcutta jusqu'en 2001, la ville a été fondée par la Compagnie britannique des Indes orientales et a été la capitale de l'empire britannique des Indes pendant près de 140 ans. Ces dernières années, cependant, la grande ville a commencé à surmonter la pauvreté et la congestion démographique et à adopter sa propre identité pour devenir la capitale artistique et intellectuelle de l'Inde.

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#75. Marrakech, Maroc

- Arrivées 2019 :3,02 millions (variation de 6,5 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,84 millions (variation de 6,3 % de 2017 à 2018)

Le luxe rencontre l'époque médiévale et la religion dans cette grande ville du Maroc, où les visiteurs peuvent profiter des magnifiques jardins, de l'architecture contemporaine et de la nourriture et des épices exotiques dans les souks ou marchés locaux. L'attraction la plus remarquable est la médina de Marrakech, un labyrinthe de petites échoppes, de charmeurs de serpents, de marchands, de hammams marocains (hammams) et d'artisanat, tous enfermés dans des murs fortifiés. À proximité se trouve Djemaa El Fna, une célèbre place de la ville connue pour accueillir des artistes de toutes sortes :acrobates, conteurs, artistes musicaux et comédiens.

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#74. Cracovie, Pologne

- Arrivées 2019 :2,91 millions (variation de 2,1 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,85 millions (variation de 1,8 % de 2017 à 2018)

Les fans de "La liste de Schindler" seraient intéressés à explorer certains endroits où le tournage du film légendaire de Steven Spielberg a été tourné, comme le pont Pilsudski, la véritable usine d'Oskar Schindler au 4 rue Lipowa et la basilique Sainte-Marie. Si vous souhaitez explorer un endroit frais en dehors de la ville, une destination populaire est la mine de sel de Wieliczka. Les gisements de sel trouvés ici existent depuis plus de 13 millions d'années et faisaient la fierté et la joie des rois polonais. Les artistes ont trouvé ici l'inspiration pour leur art et des concerts sont parfois donnés dans la mine.

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#73. Melbourne, Australie

- Arrivées 2019 :3,30 millions (variation de 14,2 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,89 millions (variation de 5,8 % de 2017 à 2018)

Le centre-ville de Melbourne et ses banlieues environnantes peuvent offrir aux visiteurs une expérience branchée et branchée, rapidement perceptible rien qu'en se promenant dans ses rues pavées ornées de graffitis ou dans ses nombreux marchés aux puces. Melbourne prend deux choses au sérieux :le café et le sport. Melbourne compte des milliers de cafés offrant la meilleure qualité de café créée de nombreuses façons uniques. Les Américains reconnaîtront peut-être le plat blanc désormais populaire, qui a des origines australiennes. En ce qui concerne le sport, Melbourne est connue pour le cricket, le football australien, les courses de chevaux et le tennis, pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns. L'emblématique stade de Melbourne Cricket Ground est une destination très prisée, en particulier au début de la saison de l'Australian Rules Football League.

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#72. San Francisco, États-Unis

- Arrivées 2019 :2,99 millions (variation de 3 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :2,90 millions (variation de 0 % de 2017 à 2018)

Cette ville du nord de la Californie reposant sur une péninsule est cool non seulement par le temps, mais aussi par la culture. San Francisco est connue pour la ruée vers l'or historique, l'industrie technologique, la communauté de pêcheurs de Fisherman's Wharf, le plus grand quartier chinois d'Amérique, les rues tortueuses et sinueuses, les Giants de San Francisco, l'ancienne prison fédérale d'Alcatraz, les téléphériques, le Golden Gate Bridge et tremblements de terre.

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#71. Copenhague, Danemark

- Arrivées 2019 :3,19 millions (variation de 3,8 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :3,07 millions (variation de 3,6 % de 2017 à 2018)

Montez à vélo si vous voulez explorer le meilleur de ce que la capitale danoise a à offrir. La poussée de Copenhague pour une vie plus verte et plus saine a facilité les déplacements sur deux roues vers n'importe quelle destination dans les bâtiments charmants et colorés de la ville. L'attraction la plus intéressante de Copenhague qui capture son essence est peut-être CopenHill, offrant aux visiteurs la possibilité de skier, de faire de la randonnée, de se détendre et de manger sur une pente artificielle construite au sommet d'une centrale de valorisation énergétique des déchets.

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#70. Chiang Mai, Thaïlande

- Arrivées 2019 :3,26 millions (variation de 1,9 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :3,20 millions (variation de 2,1 % de 2017 à 2018)

Bien qu'elle soit l'une des plus grandes villes de Thaïlande, Chiang Mai peut être une escapade paisible et relaxante pour les visiteurs qui ne cherchent pas à aller dans des endroits agités. Avec des centaines de temples, les voyageurs peuvent découvrir leur spiritualité et même discuter avec des moines bouddhistes. Les amoureux des animaux seront heureux de savoir que le sanctuaire de la jungle des éléphants et le parc naturel des éléphants de Chiang Mai offrent aux visiteurs la possibilité de passer du temps avec les éléphants de près, mais privilégiez le traitement humain et la préservation des éléphants.

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#69. Vancouver, Canada

- Arrivées 2019 :3,40 millions (variation de 5,8 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :3,21 millions (variation de 7,1 % de 2017 à 2018)

Ce joyau de la Colombie-Britannique est un incontournable lors de la visite du voisin nord des États-Unis. Avec l'océan Pacifique, plusieurs grands parcs et forêts et trois grandes montagnes facilement accessibles, les visiteurs peuvent faire de la randonnée, du jogging, de l'escalade, du jeu et de l'exploration à leur guise. Vancouver a également joué un rôle important dans le cinéma et la télévision - la ville a servi de décor à des productions telles que la saga "Twilight", les films "Deadpool", "Elf", "Night at the Museum", "Riverdale", "Battlestar Galactica" et "Bates Motel", pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns.

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#68. Zhuhai, Chine

- Arrivées 2019 :3,32 millions (variation de 2 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :3,26 millions (variation de 2,4 % de 2017 à 2018)

Cette ville portuaire, reliant Macao et Hong Kong voisins avec le pont Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao, le plus long pont maritime du monde, est devenue à la fois une ville importante pour l'économie chinoise et son environnement. Promouvant la fabrication, la technologie, l'éco-agriculture et la recherche, Zhuhai s'est rapidement développée pour devenir l'une des villes les plus importantes de Chine pour le développement. Si les touristes recherchent une escapade palpitante, ils devraient visiter le plus grand parc à thème océanique du monde appelé Chimelong Ocean Kingdom, ou le nouveau parc à thème vertical Lionsgate Entertainment World, qui combine une expérience VR avec certains des films célèbres de Lionsgate.

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#67. Kyoto, Japon

- Arrivées 2019 :3,34 millions (variation de 1,4 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :3,29 millions (variation de 3 % de 2017 à 2018)

Si vous cherchez à découvrir davantage le côté traditionnel du Japon, Kyoto est votre endroit où aller. Comprenant 2 000 temples bouddhistes et sanctuaires shintoïstes (une religion originaire du Japon), il n'est pas rare de rencontrer quelqu'un qui prie, médite ou se promène simplement dans les nombreux beaux jardins zen au sein de ces structures spirituelles. Vivez l'expérience complète de Kyoto en découvrant le travail des artisans locaux dans le quartier de Gion et en choisissant de séjourner dans un ryokan, une auberge japonaise traditionnelle.

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#66. Héraklion, Grèce

- Arrivées 2019 :3,03 millions (-10% de variation de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :3,37 millions (7,1% de variation de 2017 à 2018)

Les amateurs d'archéologie et ceux qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur les peuples anciens qui occupaient les îles grecques il y a plusieurs siècles apprécieront de faire un voyage à Héraklion, la capitale de la Crète. La destination la plus populaire est Knossos, un palais minoen bien conservé et restauré dont l'histoire remonte à 2700-1500 av. Un autre grand spectacle à voir est la forteresse de Koules, construite par les Vénitiens au XVIe siècle, qui contient deux étages, 26 pièces et des murs d'une épaisseur impressionnante. Grimper au sommet de la forteresse offre une vue impressionnante sur l'île et des performances occasionnelles.

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#65. Île de Penang, Malaisie

- Arrivées 2019 :3,71 millions (variation de 7,8 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :3,44 millions (variation de 7,6 % de 2017 à 2018)

Connue comme la capitale gastronomique de la Malaisie, l'île de Penang est un beau mélange de cultures, en particulier chinoise, malaise et indienne. Il vaut également la peine de visiter la capitale de la ville, Georgetown, un site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO pour son histoire séculaire de commerce, d'échanges culturels et d'influence coloniale britannique. La ville colorée est divisée en différents quartiers, dont un appelé Little India et un quartier des affaires. Les destinations touristiques populaires sont l'exquis hôtel Blue Mansion et l'historique Fort Cornwallis, le plus grand fort de Malaisie et nommé d'après l'ancien gouverneur général de l'Inde, Charles Cornwallis.

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#64. Dammam, Arabie Saoudite

- Arrivées 2019 :3,59 millions (variation de 2,6 % de 2018 à 2019)
- Arrivées 2018 :3,50 millions (variation de -2,4 % de 2017 à 2018)

La popularité et l'histoire de Dammam sont étroitement liées à la popularité et à l'histoire du pétrole brut. Trois ans après le début du forage des puits de la ville en 1935, les creuseurs ont finalement trouvé de l'or, car le puits n ° 7 de Dammam a produit suffisamment de pétrole pour être exporté commercialement, et a ainsi commencé un partenariat financièrement important entre les États-Unis et l'Arabie saoudite. The capital city of the Eastern Province shows signs of its ties to other countries, most notably through Ithra, or the King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture. Founder Saudi Aramco’s cosmopolitan destination features a library, a cinema, multiple museums and galleries, and even an idea lab.

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#63. Lisbon, Portugal

- 2019 arrivals:3.64 million (2.8% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:3.54 million (0.5% change from 2017 to 2018)

As tourism to Portugal surges, especially from the United States, the colorful and architecturally stunning capital city of the southern European country, has plenty to offer for visitors. Be sure to bring comfortable shoes when wandering around Lisbon, as the city is built over seven hills, and navigating its steep and winding roads is not for the faint of heart (despite the beautiful views). A unique and fun way to get around is the city’s tram network. The most popular tram route, and one of the longest, is the E28. The 28 trams date back to the 1930s, as their slick designs are the only trams that can navigate through the narrowest Lisbon streets.

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#62. Budapest, Hongrie

- 2019 arrivals:4.03 million (5.3% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:3.82 million (4.6% change from 2017 to 2018)

Visitors to Hungary’s capital city don’t have to go far to fall for the city’s charms. Fans of art and culture are drawn to Budapest’s numerous architectural styles—baroque, neo-gothic, art nouveau, just to name a few—and the Hungarian State Opera House, which is open for tours daily, even as its 19th-century building is going through renovations. Budapest is also a great place to relax, as being home to over 100 thermal springs means there are many spas and bathhouses, each building a mini-vacation itself. Visitors should also visit the famous Budapest Pinball Museum (called the Flippermúzeum) and have a night out in one or more of the ruin bars, located in the Jewish Quarter, to complete their trip.

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#61. Jerusalem, Israel

- 2019 arrivals:4.47 million (13.7% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:3.93 million (11.6% change from 2017 to 2018)

Jerusalem has become not just an important religious site for Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, but also a key historical and political center. Despite recent conflicts surrounding the area, most notably between Israel and Palestine, the city brims with hope, culture, and spirituality. The Old City of Jerusalem allows visitors from all over the world to walk from the Western Wall (the holiest site for Jews) to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (where Jesus was believed to be crucified and then resurrected) to the Temple Mount and the Dome of the Rock (where Muhammad was believed to ascend to heaven and the third-holiest site for Muslims). For those who are staying for a longer amount of time, it is worth to take day trips to the salty Dead Sea, the lowest point in the world, and Yad Vashem, Israel’s largest Holocaust memorial and museum. Yad Vashem attempts to explain the tragic events leading up to the Holocaust, provide real-life accounts and artifacts from those who survived and those who didn’t, and attempt to record and remember as many names of victims as possible.

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#60. Brussels, Belgium

- 2019 arrivals:4.28 million (8.5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:3.94 million (14.9% change from 2017 to 2018)

Beer, waffles, chocolate, comics are just a few of the reasons you should visit Brussels. Even though Brussels is the capital of Belgium and also the headquarters of the European Union and European Parliament, visitors can enjoy a whimsical and relaxed trip around this city. It’s worth taking a beer tour through the best and oldest pubs and breweries in town, or follow along the comic book route and try to find as many street art comics as you can. Finally, in between looking at the fine palaces, cathedrals, and historical museums that appear all over this city, make sure to take a moment to gawk at the Manneken Pis, a fountain that features a little statue of a boy “peeing” (sometimes in costume) and is one of the top tourist spots in Brussels.

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#59. St. Petersburg, Russia

- 2019 arrivals:4.46 million (11.5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:4.00 million (11% change from 2017 to 2018)

Founded in 1703 by Peter the Great to westernize the Russian empire, St. Petersburg is now Russia’s second-largest city and the country’s cultural capital. “Piter” is both an important port city and also draws comparisons to Venice for its Neva River canal system. The vast Hermitage Museum is a must-see for travelers. The museum boasts a collection that was started in 1764 by Catherine the Great and now contains over 3 million works of art and artifacts. Visitors are also encouraged to spend an evening watching a performance of opera or ballet at the iconic Mariinsky Theatre.

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#58. Beijing, China

- 2019 arrivals:4.07 million (1.7% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:4 million (2% change from 2017 to 2018)

One of the oldest cities on this list and outliving many dynasties, Beijing has preserved its extensive history while also constantly growing and innovating. Just in September 2019, Beijing’s new Daxing International Airport opened, becoming the world’s largest airport terminal. Even travelers unfamiliar with China know about its Great Wall, Forbidden City, and Tiananmen Square, but these destinations are still breathtaking when seen in person. Another site to see would be a typical Beijing hutong—crisscrossing lanes and alleys built when the Ming and Qing dynasties were in power. These ancient hutongs are at risk of being replaced by modern-era cities and buildings, but they are the best way to glance into a traditional Beijing citizen’s life. Visitors must also make it a priority to try Beijing’s world-famous Peking duck, a historic Chinese dish that is older than many cities.

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#57. Jakarta, Indonesia

- 2019 arrivals:4.70 million (16.6% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:4.03 million (12.4% change from 2017 to 2018)

Indonesia’s soon-to-be-former capital shows both the pros and cons of being a metropolis and the financial hub of a country. With a population of over 10 million people just in the city alone, Jakarta is overcrowded, and traffic congestion is normal. With the population growth and the climate crisis, Jakarta has begun to sink into the Java Sea, and natural disasters like floods have become more common, affecting more and more people. Indonesia’s government is now pushing to move its capital to a part of Borneo, as announced in April 2019, to save Jakarta and work on sustaining the city for many years to come. Despite the hardships Jakarta is facing, the city is still a multi-faceted depiction of its complex history, having only become Indonesia’s capital in 1949 after the country gained independence from the Dutch in 1945. Both Asian and European influences are noticeable as one walks through the city, from shopping centers to theme parks to distinct museums to the Monas Tower monument, a symbol of Indonesian sovereignty.

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#56. Munich, Germany

- 2019 arrivals:4.21 million (3.4% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:4.07 million (6.2% change from 2017 to 2018)

Munich is ideal for anyone who loves exquisite palaces, historic cathedrals, and great-tasting beer. In fact, Munich’s main event every year is Oktoberfest, a two-week beer festival (the largest in the world), attracting millions of visitors between late September and early October. Another fun but unexpected activity for the landlocked capital of Bavaria is river surfing on the waves of the man-made Eisbach river, which is done by thrill-seekers year-round and attracts many spectators.

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#55. Sydney, Australia

- 2019 arrivals:4.44 million (8.6% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:4.09 million (3.2% change from 2017 to 2018)

Sydney is a great place to visit for those looking to have a more laid-back vacation. The stunning Sydney Opera House is an architectural feat, and there is a myriad of performances happening each week. The Sydney Harbour Bridge, nicknamed the coat hanger, is also an important landmark, with different tours helping visitors climb this bridge and see the best views of the harbor. If you’re looking to take a day trip, the Blue Mountains or Hunter Valley is the way to go. The Blue Mountains offer amazing hiking trails, and it’s worth going up to the peak of these rock formations during sunset. The vineyards of Hunter Valley, located north of Sydney, are perfect for wine lovers, and one can even enjoy a glass of wine while traveling in a hot-air balloon over the region.

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#54. Johannesburg, South Africa

- 2019 arrivals:4.21 million (2.2% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:4.12 million (1.3% change from 2017 to 2018)

In the past couple of decades, Johannesburg has gone through a revival, and the large city is creating its own identity post-apartheid. To learn more about this recent dark period of South Africa’s history, and the 20th-century events that led up to it, visitors should check out the Apartheid Museum and visit former South African president and anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela’s home. Mandela lived here after his release from prison in 1990, and the house is now a museum that honors Mandela, who died in 2013, and his family.

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#53. Toronto, Canada

- 2019 arrivals:4.74 million (5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:4.51 million (5.2% change from 2017 to 2018)

Unlike many cities on this list, Toronto’s charm lies in the fact that it’s a major city—the most populous city in Canada, to be exact. It is also the most diverse city, with half of the population being born outside of Canada. Famous destinations include the CN Tower, offering several vantage points of the surrounding city. Additionally, the Hockey Hall of Fame is a must-see for fans of the winter sport, as it houses the actual Stanley Cup and has been inducting hockey legends for nearly 75 years.

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#52. Ha Noi, Vietnam

- 2019 arrivals:5.13 million (9.5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:4.69 million (9% change from 2017 to 2018)

Seeing Vietnam’s capital city is seeing the city’s unique history, from its first inhabitants over 1,000 years ago to its recovery after the Vietnam War. Ha Noi still shows symbols of past occupation by France and China. It’s worth checking out the Old Quarter, a busy district of narrow streets that combines both the old and the new. For first-time visitors to Ha Noi, they might be daunted by all of the sights, sounds, and smells coming from various street food carts, small shops, and motorbike taxis around, but this is truly the heart of Vietnam.

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#51. Florence, Italy

- 2019 arrivals:5.13 million (1.3% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:5.06 million (2.4% change from 2017 to 2018)

This Tuscan gem shows what Italy is all about, as Florence is the birthplace of the Renaissance and is home to famous artwork and architecture, not to mention amazing food and gelato. One of the masterpieces is the Florence Cathedral or Duomo. With building that finished in 1436 (and some exterior parts added in the 19th century), the Duomo is a massive and constantly evolving work of art, usually noticed by its white, pink, and green marble facade, its 44 stained glass windows, and its massive red-tiled cupola, designed by Filippo Brunelleschi. Other amazing artwork can be found in the Uffizi Palace and Gallery, which hosts an impressive collection of Renaissance artwork, including pieces from Da Vinci, Caravaggio, Botticelli, Raphael, and Michaelangelo.

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#50. Dublin, Ireland

- 2019 arrivals:5.46 million (4.8% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:5.21 million (4.6% change from 2017 to 2018)

The capital of Ireland is another place that has beautiful, centuries-old cathedrals, castles, and museums; however, the way to really get into the culture of Dublin is to follow the books and the booze. Channel your inner James Joyce or Oscar Wilde by exploring the numerous quaint bookstores and libraries that Dublin has to offer. Check out Marsh’s Library if you want to see Ireland’s first public library (opened in 1707), or the Trinity College Library, which is the largest library in the country and contains the ancient Book of Kells. Learn more about Ireland’s history by booking tours and drinks at the Guinness Storehouse Factory, the Old Jameson Distillery, and the Irish Whiskey Museum, or chat with one of the locals at one of the many unique and vintage bars in Dublin.

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#49. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

- 2019 arrivals:5.45 million (3.5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:5.27 million (-2.4% change from 2017 to 2018)

Riyadh takes the fifth spot in the top 10 list of places to visit in the Middle East and Africa, according to Euromonitor International. The name of the Saudi capital comes from a word that means gardens or meadows, which is quite fitting, as the bustling metropolis seems to have sprung out of the surrounding desert land like a flower in just a few decades. Riyadh is still relatively conservative and religious—something that tourists should keep in mind and respect—but the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been working to make its capital a world-class destination for business and leisure travelers alike. To view the city from up high and experience fine dining, visitors can make a reservation at The Globe, located near the top of the Al Faisaliah skyscraper. The restaurant is housed in a massive golden, glass sphere and provides the most stunning 360-degree views of Riyadh, especially at sunset.

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#48. Ha Long, Vietnam

- 2019 arrivals:6.25 million (18% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:5.29 million (22% change from 2017 to 2018)

Ha Long is known almost exclusively for its bay, for better or for worse. The bay is a large conglomeration of limestone cliffs and jungle islets scattered throughout bright waters. Visitors come from all over the world to take cruises through the bay, go rock climbing on the cliffs, and hike throughout Cát Bà Island. As much as Ha Long Bay has become a worldly destination, the former small fishing villages that are located there have had trouble keeping up with the constant flow of tourists and safety concerns and having to preserve their beautiful natural landscapes from garbage and overcrowdedness.

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#47. Madrid, Spain

- 2019 arrivals:5.60 million (2.9% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:5.44 million (3.2% change from 2017 to 2018)

Madrid is a lively city with an energetic population that has adapted this old city as its own. Walking down the street, it’s not hard to see buildings from the 16th century, during the peak of the Spanish Empire, or even earlier. Soccer fans would enjoy a tour around Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, the home of the world-famous and prolific Real Madrid team. If you’re looking to get away from the crowded city squares, check out the park El Retiro. It’s a great place to relax, go for a jog, rent a bike, or go for a boat ride on the park’s lake in the summer, or even admire Madrid’s oldest tree (Ahuehuete, which has been alive since 1630).

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#46. Venice, Italy

- 2019 arrivals:5.59 million (1.6% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:5.50 million (3.5% change from 2017 to 2018)

Venice is truly a place like no other. The city lies upon 118 small islands, and they are all linked together by canals or bridges, which means the way to get around is either by walking or taking a boat. The city’s structure also poses unique problems for it, as its delicate foundation has caused the land to start sinking slowly. Additionally, high tides and strong winds cause the canals to flood almost every year, and November 2019 saw Venice have some of the worst floodings in more than 50 years, costing the city over $1 billion in damaged infrastructure. However, it’s worth paying a visit to Venice, as long as you’re respectful of the shrinking population of Venetians who actually live there year-round. Visit St. Mark’s Basilica, located on St. Mark’s Square and dedicated to the patron saint of Venice, to see a beautiful 12th-century cathedral. Take a water taxi to some of the smaller islands within the city’s network to observe the making of items like glass, gondolas, leather, and lace. Finally, gondola rides can be pricey and overrated, but they can still offer amazing, romantic views of Venice (especially its lesser-known canals), and are a rare experience.

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#45. Moscow, Russia

- 2019 arrivals:5.97 million (8.3% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:5.51 million (14.8% change from 2017 to 2018)

As big as Russia has been through its imperial, then communist, then modern authoritarian reign, Moscow has always been the heart of it and its main city. Walking through the center of the over-800-year-old city, you can see remnants of Soviet Union rule or the importance of the Russian Orthodox religion to the people. Russian art and culture are not lacking here either, as people browse through the many art museums and galleries every day, and flock to the Bolshoi Theatre for a ballet or opera performance. Moscow is known for the neighboring Kremlin and Red Square. The Moscow Kremlin is the most important political building in Russia, as both tsars and presidents have led their country from here, and only some rooms are open to the touring public. The cobblestoned Red Square, meanwhile, attracts visitors from all around the world, especially since it contains the colorful and patterned St. Basil’s Cathedral within it, Russia’s most well-known landmark. Concerts, parades, and other events are often held in this space.

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#44. Orlando, United States

- 2019 arrivals:5.73 million (3.1% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:5.55 million (5.4% change from 2017 to 2018)

Orlando is theme park central, with Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando, SeaWorld Orlando, and LEGOLAND all family-friendly favorites, among many other smaller parks. But Orlando doesn’t just offer the magic of Disney and Harry Potter—there is plenty of fine dining, wonderful spas, cool museums, and relaxing parks to explore if you’re just trying to enjoy the Florida sunshine. Check out the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex if you want to pretend to be an astronaut or travel out to Revolution Off Road to engage in some ATV or dune buggy racing through muddy roads.

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#43. Athens, Greece

- 2019 arrivals:6.30 million (10% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:5.73 million (19.4% change from 2017 to 2018)

Athens has seen tremendous growth in tourism over the past few years, despite the city being one of the oldest on this list. Greece’s capital offers visitors the chance to see some historical landmarks that they have only seen in their school textbooks and is unique in terms of it has lived through nearly every form of government and various styles of architecture throughout its long history. Be sure to visit the Acropolis, Athens’ most famous destination, a fortified hill that holds most of its iconic landmarks (Parthenon, Temple of Athena Nike, the Theater of Dionysus, just to name a few). The nearby Acropolis Museum houses the different artifacts recovered from the hill and is also a must-visit, and the other ruins of temples speckled through Athens. Finally, take a break from history by visiting the neighborhoods of Monastiraki and Psyrri, bustling hubs of fantastic food, shopping, and street art.

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#42. Le Caire, Égypte

- 2019 arrivals:6.81 million (18.3% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:5.75 million (31.1% change from 2017 to 2018)

2020 and the new decade offer hope for Cairo—and the entirety of Egypt—after years of uncertainty. After the political unrest of the past decade, Egypt has struggled to bring back its tourism industry, update its infrastructure, and marry its ancient history with the innovation of the future. The Grand Egyptian Museum, opening later this year, should help achieve all of those goals. The expansive museum will be located just 2 kilometers (about 1.2 miles) from the famous Pyramids of Giza and will aim to chronicle the entire history of Egypt.

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#41. Berlin, Germany

- 2019 arrivals:6.2 million (4% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:5.96 million (5.9% change from 2017 to 2018)

Berlin is a resilient city, as its residents work to overcome the German capital’s tumultuous history from the last century. The East Side Gallery is an example of this, as a former portion of the Berlin Wall that has now turned into a street art collection of murals and political drawings. Closer to the famous Brandenburg Gate lie 2,711 concrete slabs that make up the Holocaust Memorial, which encourages visitors to process their thoughts and emotions in their own way.

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#40. Cancun, Mexico

- 2019 arrivals:6.15 million (1.8% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:6.04 million (0% change from 2017 to 2018)

Cancún is not only the most-visited city in Mexico but also the most visited city in Latin America and the #5 most-visited city in the Americas, according to the Euromonitor report. The popularity mainly comes from Cancun’s reputation as having beautiful beachside resorts and a hype nightlife, but there is more to this Yucatán Peninsula gem. There are several Mayan ruins, such as San Miguelito and El Rey, and a museum called the Museo Maya de Cancún, displaying many artifacts from this ancient people. Additionally, there are many water sports and activities that visitors should check out in the daytime, such as snorkeling, kayaking, diving, and kiteboarding.

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#39. Jaipur, India

- 2019 arrivals:7.56 million (18.5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:6.38 million (20.7% change from 2017 to 2018)

Jaipur, also known as the “Pink City,” gets its nickname from the color seen on many of its buildings. The most majestic of these buildings is the five-story Hawa Mahal, originally built as part of the City Palace so that royal ladies can watch over the happenings of the city without being seen themselves. The palace has numerous windows, which allowed the wind to pass through when the windows were opened, and the Hawa Mahal is sometimes referred to as the wind palace for this reason. The City Palace is also a notable pink building itself, containing numerous courtyards, galleries, ancient architectural styles, and displays of different royal weaponry and clothing.

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#38. Johor Bahru, Malaysia

- 2019 arrivals:7.23 million (13% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:6.40 million (14.8% change from 2017 to 2018)

Johor Bahru has been undergoing transformations, from a washed-out town located near the border with Singapore to a popular tourist destination and a bustling cultural hub. Attractions include a Hello Kitty World, Legoland, beautiful temples and mosques, and numerous cafes for the whole family to enjoy. A romantic idea could be visiting the Firefly Valley Leisure Park in Kota Tinggi, where people could see row out to see thousands of fireflies juxtaposed against a night sky full of stars.

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#37. Vienna, Austria

- 2019 arrivals:6.63 million (3.5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:6.41 million (3.6% change from 2017 to 2018)

Vienna was the home of great musical minds such as Wolfgang Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Joseph Haydn, and Franz Schubert, and they helped bring attention to this old European city. The baroque streetscapes, holding various imperial palaces, are remnants of the Habsburg royal dynasty. Additionally, the exquisite wine culture and casual but essential coffee house culture are already enough to attract visitors. Don’t forget to try a slice of Sachertorte, a chocolate-iced chocolate sponge cake with layers of apricot jam in between, which is very popular in and native to Vienna itself.

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#36. Chennai, India

- 2019 arrivals:7.93 million (23.5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:6.42 million (26.3% change from 2017 to 2018)

Formerly known as Madras, Chennai is known as the gateway to and soul of southern India. The Tamil Nadu region entertains visitors with a multitude of artistic and religious buildings, as well as authentic cuisine that is solely unique to the region. Before you plan a visit to Chennai, you should check the climate at the time, as Chennai has been battling different natural disasters the past several years, most recently water scarcity.

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#35. Milan, Italy

- 2019 arrivals:6.6 million (1.9% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:6.48 million (2.1% change from 2017 to 2018)

Milan might be known as a modern metropolis and the high-end fashion capital of Italy, but the former capital of the Western Roman Empire is several thousand years old. Just like in Florence, one of the prettiest buildings is a cathedral, the Duomo di Milano. The third-largest cathedral in the world took over 500 years to be completed. However, those who want to check out the commercial life of Milan should visit the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, one of the oldest shopping malls in the world (built in the mid-19th century), and with architecture that reflects the marble, mosaic, and glass style of Milan’s other buildings.

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#34. Las Vegas, United States

- 2019 arrivals:6.64 million (0.7% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:6.59 million (-1.4% change from 2017 to 2018)

It can seem like Vegas—also known as Sin City—is mainly known for its Strip, home to various casinos such as Caesars Palace and Aria. However, this popular Nevada city can provide an epic getaway for the entire family, with its iconic hotels, spas, faux popular world attractions, and the chance to try out the world’s most luxurious cars. Don’t be surprised if you run into a celebrity singer or chef—artists like Lady Gaga and Christina Aguilera have had performance residencies there, and food connoisseurs such as Bobby Flay, Guy Fieri, and Gordon Ramsay own property there.

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#33. Barcelona, Spain

- 2019 arrivals:7.02 million (4.5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:6.71 million (6.8% change from 2017 to 2018)

The sunny capital of the Catalonia region, Barcelona is still the most popular tourist destination in Spain. There are so many activities to do in this city and places to explore. A single short trip may not be enough. Be sure to take some time and visit all of architect Antoni Gaudí’s buildings, including the Sagrada Família, Casa Batlló, Casa Milà, and the Park Güell. All of these architectural feats are unique and show the range of Gaudí’s style, as well as influence the work of more contemporary architects and designers.

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#32. Denpasar, Indonesia

- 2019 arrivals:8.58 million (19.4% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:7.19 million (15.2% change from 2017 to 2018)

As the capital of Bali, it should come as little surprise that Denpasar has seen increasing numbers of tourists over the past few years, as the tourist resorts on Bali become prime vacation spots. While most visitors head out of Denpasar and toward the tropical paradises of Ubud or Seminyak, the capital city is home to the fascinating Bali Museum, the 10th-century Pura Blanjong Temple, authentic Indonesian cuisine, and several shopping malls.

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#31. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

- 2019 arrivals:8.21 million (14% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:7.2 million (15.4% change from 2017 to 2018)

What was once the romantic city of Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City, is now a vibrant urban city, filled with both ancient temples and modern skyscrapers. This city features French colonial landmarks, such as Vietnam’s own Notre Dame Cathedral, mixed with ancient Vietnamese traditions and places, such as the bustling Bến Thành Market. The moving War Remnants Museum is a must-visit, as it tells the story of the Vietnam War from the natives’ point of view, a view which many visitors rarely hear about.

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#30. Shanghai, China

- 2019 arrivals:7.75 million (3.5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:7.48 million (4% change from 2017 to 2018)

China’s largest city is a modern, buzzing financial hub, but also retains its colonial heritage. The metropolis’ location on the Huangpu River offers visitors a chance to see The Bund, Shanghai’s impressive cityscape by the waterfront. The 1,614-foot World Financial Center is comparable to the skyscrapers popping up all over New York City and is used for a multitude of purposes, including sightseeing, financial operations, fine cuisine, and a hotel.

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#29. Los Angeles, United States

- 2019 arrivals:7.73 million (3% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:7.50 million (4.7% change from 2017 to 2018)

This City of Angels is attractive due to its mild weather, buzzy nightlife, laid-back vibe, and its trademark Santa Monica and Venice beaches. From luxury shoppers who frequent Rodeo Drive and Beverly Hills to hikers attempting to take the winding hikes to the famous Hollywood sign or the Griffith Observatory, everyone can find something to do in LA. Just watch out for people dressed up as your favorite superheroes—they will often go up to tourists and try to score an extra buck or two, and Hollywood can seem very hectic and intimidating for that reason.

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#28. Osaka, Japan

- 2019 arrivals:9 million (14.5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:7.86 million (19% change from 2017 to 2018)

Osaka used to be overlooked as visitors flocked to the more well-known city of Tokyo; however, that is slowly starting to change. Osaka is a vibrant, modern city that is filled with lights, nature, and lots of great cuisines. Osaka Castle, built in the 1500s by a former feudal lord and one of the most important landmarks in the city, is surrounded by sakura, cherry blossom trees that burst open every spring. Additionally, Osaka is known as “Japan’s kitchen,” due to its unique dishes, the number of Michelin-starred restaurants, and amazing street food carts.

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#27. Miami, United States

- 2019 arrivals:8.34 million (2.7% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:8.12 million (4.1% change from 2017 to 2018)

Vibrant Miami has maintained its second-place rank in terms of most arrivals in America, although it dropped a few positions in the overall ranking. The Florida city attracts tourists through its stunning beaches, vibrant arts district (including the Art Basel art fair, which happens in December and brings in large crowds annually), and distinct Cuban influence (most notably in the neighborhood Little Havana and its main street, Calle Ocho.)

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#26. Agra, India

- 2019 arrivals:10.13 million (24.4% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:8.14 million (22.5% change from 2017 to 2018)

Agra has seen rapid increases in tourism over the last decade due to more relaxed visa requirements. This city is the place to go if you’re curious about architecture from the Mughal Empire era, a dynasty that ruled over India for over two centuries. In addition to the world-famous Taj Mahal being located here, the city is home to two more UNESCO World Heritage sites, the Agra Fort on the banks of the Yamuna River, and the red sandstone buildings of Fatehpur Sikri town nearby.

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#25. Amsterdam, Netherlands

- 2019 arrivals:8.84 million (5.8% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:8.35 million (6.5% change from 2017 to 2018)

The Dutch capital has become a fan-favorite due to its charming canals, colorful townhouses, and numerous bike paths. Must-visit sites are the Anne Frank House, where visitors can see the annex that Frank wrote his diary in, as well as get more information about what life in hiding was like. Additionally, the Van Gogh Museum gives tourists a look into the life of 19th-century painter Vincent van Gogh, who was little known during his actual lifetime but is now one of the most influential artists in history.

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#24. Seoul, South Korea

- 2019 arrivals:9.11 million (8% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:8.43 million (10.1% change from 2017 to 2018)

Seoul combines aspects of the South Korean culture that don’t seem to mesh at first—futuristic, neon city streets, mountain temples and shrines, ornamental palaces, and a booming Korean pop and clothing scene. Changdeokgung, built in 1405 and used well into the 20th century, is the most popular of the palaces, surrounded by beautiful secret gardens.

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#23. Medina, Saudi Arabia

- 2019 arrivals:8.82 million (3.2% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:8.55 million (-2.4% change from 2017 to 2018)

Medina is the other holy city in Saudi Arabia, besides Mecca, where prophet Muhammad lived and fought after his exile from Mecca. The Prophet’s Mosque is at the heart of this city, and it’s one of the largest mosques in the world. The hotels, shops, and restaurants around the mosque give this ancient city its pulse. Take note that only Muslims can visit the mosque and the center of Medina.

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#22. Prague, Czech Republic

- 2019 arrivals:9.15 million (2.3% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:8.95 million (1.6% change from 2017 to 2018)

The Czech capital draws in around 9 million visitors each year. With a bohemian appeal and fairytale charms, Prague attracts tourists who want to explore its trademark Prague Castle (the home of many former Czech rulers and presidents), enjoying a famous Czech beer, or pivot, and explore the colorful and whimsical streets of the Old Town and the Golden Lane.

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#21. Guangzhou, China

- 2019 arrivals:9.01 million (0% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:9 million (0% change from 2017 to 2018)

Founded in 214 B.C., Guangzhou is a thriving port city that’s been urbanizing and populating tremendously lately but has not seen a large increase in tourists in the past three years. The airport, public transportation, and air quality have all improved significantly over the last two decades, drawing visitors in to see architecture by stars such as Zaha Hadid and take a cruise on the historic 1,243-mile Pearl River.

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#20. Mecca, Saudi Arabia

- 2019 arrivals:9.83 million (2.8% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:9.57 million (-2.4% change from 2017 to 2018)

Mecca is the holy city of Islam, drawing millions of people for the annual hajj, a five-day religious pilgrimage that each Muslim must take at least once in their lives. Mecca is the birthplace of Muhammad. The Kaaba, a shrine located in the middle of the Great Mosque of Mecca, is the most sacred spot in Mecca, and Muslims face toward it when praying.

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#19. Taipei, Taiwan

- 2019 arrivals:9.98 million (4% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:9.6 million (3.5% change from 2017 to 2018)

The capital of Taiwan is notably known for a 1,669-foot landmark called Taipei 101, resembling a bamboo stalk, and with a high-speed elevator that takes visitors only 37 seconds to get to the 89th-floor observation deck. Another exciting thing to do in Taipei is going shrimp fishing, where you can directly catch your own food from small man-made pools.

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#18. Pattaya, Thailand

- 2019 arrivals:9.95 million (3.6% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:9.61 million (5.1% change from 2017 to 2018)

This eastern Thai city, located about 2 hours away from Thailand’s capital Bangkok, is known for beaches and resort hotels, the Las Vegas of Thailand. What was once a sleepy fishing village is now home to a lively nightlife scene and overcrowded streets. Paying homage to Thailand’s culture, Wat Khao Phra Bat is also a popular sight, home to a 59-foot tall golden Buddha.

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#17. Tokyo, Japan

- 2019 arrivals:10.44 million (4.6% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:9.99 million (4.6% change from 2017 to 2018)

The bright lights of always-bustling Tokyo bring in around 10 million visitors each year, making the capital the most popular city in Japan. Among the many popular attractions in Tokyo, the Kabuki-za is the main theater for the Japanese dance of kabuki, an elaborate performance with dramatic sets, outfits, and makeup. With the Olympic Games happening this summer, 2020 should be another successful year for tourism and for the expansion of this city.

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#16. Rome, Italy

- 2019 arrivals:10.32 million (2.5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:10.07 million (5.6% change from 2017 to 2018)

The Italian capital is the fifth most-visited city in Europe and the origin of the great Roman Empire. In addition, vibrant street life and decadent cuisine, the Eternal City is home to nearly 3,000 years of world-class art and architecture. Among the oldest of the famous Roman buildings, there is the Colosseum (built between 70-80 AD), the Pantheon (completed in 118 AD), and the Arch of Constantine (built in 315 A.D.).

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#15. Phuket, Thailand

- 2019 arrivals:10.97 million (3.9% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:10.55 million (4.4% change from 2017 to 2018)

Surrounded by the Andaman Sea, the western Thai island is home to white-sand beaches and luxurious beach resorts, as well as great diving and rainforest adventures. Just like other cities in Thailand, there are plenty of temples (such as the Wat Chalong), markets, and zoos or animal sanctuaries. Visit the Old Town at Phuket for a unique mix of Chinese and Portuguese influences, or check out the Simon Cabaret Show, going on for nearly 30 years, a show of live music and comedy performed by transgender performers.

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#14. Mumbai, India

- 2019 arrivals:12.44 million (17.5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:10.59 million (17.9% change from 2017 to 2018)

Formerly known as Bombay, the largest city in India is chaotic, but home to fashionable people, financial activity, rich cuisine, and lots and lots of people. With easier visa requirements and a world-class airport facility, the Bollywood capital is likely to increase and expand its tourism industry. Even though Mumbai is the financial sector of India, more than half of the population lives in slums. Exploring the largest of these slums, Dharavi, is shocking and humbling, especially considering that the most expensive home in the world is also located in Mumbai.

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#13. Shenzhen, China

- 2019 arrivals:12.32 million (1% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:12.2 million (1.1% change from 2017 to 2018)

Shenzhen, the closest Chinese city to Hong Kong, is also one of the country’s wealthiest. Shenzhen’s rise to prominence started in 1979 when China designated the sleepy border town as the country’s first special economic zone. What this city lacks in history, it makes up for in innovation and culture. The Splendid China-Folk Culture Villages is a miniature park with replicas of many famous attractions in China that gives visitors an easy glance into the country’s long history. Meanwhile, the Window of the World offers replicas of famous attractions from around the world, from Egypt to Greece to Paris to India.

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#12. Antalya, Turkey

- 2019 arrivals:13.33 million (7.2% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:12.44 million (31.2% change from 2017 to 2018)

This Turkish resort town has grown in annual arrivals since 2017 but has stayed relatively in the same spot on the list. With stunning beaches at every turn, the Düden Waterfalls (with stunning limestone karst springs surrounding them), and the Köprülü Canyon (a spectacular canyon perfect for trout fishing and whitewater rafting), the Mediterranean gem is a perfect family getaway.

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#11. Delhi, India

- 2019 arrivals:15.2 million (20.2% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:12.65 million (24.5% change from 2017 to 2018)

Delhi has been moving up in ranks within the past few years. The capital has seen a growth in its tourism industry due to focusing on health and wellness, with a growing number of yoga retreats and Ayurveda practices, in addition to providing continued luxury services for visitors. The 17th-century Old Delhi neighborhood, the former capital of the Mughal Empire, is home to the Red Fort, a Mughal political and cultural hub, and the Jama Masjid mosque, one of the largest mosques in India.

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#10. Istanbul, Turkey

- 2019 arrivals:14.72 million (9.6% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:13.43 million (25.2% change from 2017 to 2018)

Due to the improved security situation in Turkey after a couple of turmoiled years, international tourism has grown for three of the country’s cities, pushing Istanbul into the top 10. Most of Turkey’s visitors come from Eastern Europe but have also been attracting the attention of travelers from the Middle East, especially since the opening of the Istanbul Airport in 2018. The Grand Bazaar is the place to go for a unique Turkish shopping experience. The bazaar has been around since 1461, so it can be considered the world’s oldest mall. Take a day to explore the hidden alleys of the bazaar and haggle your way through the over 4,000 small businesses.

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#9. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

- 2019 arrivals:14.07 million (4.8% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:13.43 million (4.6% change from 2017 to 2018)

Kuala Lumpur has been seeing an increase in arrivals by about 600-800 thousand people each year since 2017 and features a mixture of British colonial and Asian architecture. The Malaysian capital’s skyline has a magnificent sight, with the Petronas Twin Towers shining over the city. Other impressive skyscrapers include the Maybank Tower, a collection of various money and coins, and the Kuala Lumpur Tower, which has a beautiful observation deck.

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#8. New York City, United States

- 2019 arrivals:14.01 million (3% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:13.6 million (3.8% change from 2017 to 2018)

New York City remains the top city destination in the western hemisphere, attracting around 14 million visitors each year. Euromonitor reports that the concrete jungle aims to attract 67 million annual visitor arrivals by 2021, and while recent policies proposed by President Donald Trump hint at growing challenges to access this port city, the Statue of Liberty is still a welcoming figure to every visitor, new or old, that crosses the city’s borders. New York City is also working to improve visitors’ experiences by updating all of its airports, as well as giving its infamous subway system some much-needed upgrades. While Manhattan may be the heart of the “Big Apple,” and is known around the world as a financial, cultural, and diverse center, the island’s four surrounding boroughs each have their own distinct personalities and attractions. For example, Queens is known for being the most diverse in the entire world, according to different languages spoken throughout the borough, with at least 160 different lexicons being used every day.

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#7. Dubai, United Arab Emirates

- 2019 arrivals:16.33 million (2.6% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:15.92 million (0.8% change from 2017 to 2018)

This oasis in the desert is home to some of the world’s best hotels and shopping, as well as increasingly good dining and cultural options. These are just some factors that make Dubai the most popular destination to travel to in Africa and in the Middle East. Check out Ski Dubai, the world’s first indoor ski slope, open year-round in the city’s warm climate. Additionally, the gold and spice souks are large bazaars that sell what one expects—precious jewelry and pungent spices. Of course, the city’s also home to Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, at 2,722 feet above the city.

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#6. Paris, France

- 2019 arrivals:19.09 million (8.7% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:17.56 million (10.9% change from 2017 to 2018)

Even travelers who have never been to the City of Lights have heard about the city’s many landmarks and attractions, such as the unmistakable Eiffel Tower, the beautiful and gigantic Musée du Louvre (the most-visited museum in the world), the Arc de Triomphe, and the Notre-Dame Cathedral. Notre-Dame and Parisians faced a crisis in April 2019, when the iconic cathedral burst into flames and lost its wooden roof and spire. People all over the world raised money in support, and this famous landmark is now closed for renovations.

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#5. Singapore, Singapore

- 2019 arrivals:19.76 million (6.5% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:18.55 million (5.3% change from 2017 to 2018)

China, India, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, the United States, Vietnam, and Germany are just some of Singapore’s partners that helped boost its tourism industry. Singapore continues to see many tourists, thanks to its strong tourism strategy and increased focus on working closely with partners across the travel sector. Singapore has also built strong partnerships with tourism boards, travel agencies, and tech companies to help keep this nation on everyone’s minds. Singapore is also the most expensive city in the world, but it’s worth it to go visit beautiful attractions such as the Kampong Glam historic district, the Gardens by the Bay, and the Night Safari park.

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#4. Macau, Macau

- 2019 arrivals:20.64 million (9% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:18.93 million (9.2% change from 2017 to 2018)

The tagline “Wow, Macau!” is often used to describe this administrative region of China. Macau has no shortage of activities, featuring the world’s largest water show (House of Dancing Water), the tallest bungee jump (Macau Tower), and Macau’s famous Senado Square, its mosaic floors invoking the styles of Portugal. Additionally, fans of card games and high risks should try playing in one of the casinos that are well known to the Macau region—gambling and playing roulette here are less lighthearted fun and more serious.

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#3. London, United Kingdom

- 2019 arrivals:19.56 million (1.7% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:19.23 million (-3% change from 2017 to 2018)

Because of the uncertainty that has surrounded Brexit and potential tight visa restrictions, London is expected to lose popularity among European Union residents, despite its unwavering tourism success, according to the Euromonitor report. Due to Paris’ and London’s relatively close proximity as cities and travel alliances, the French city encourages travelers to visit its British counterpart or book trips that cover both cities. Taking the bronze medal on this list is London, which is one of the oldest, most well-known cities, and is Britain's cultural, economic, and transportation hub.

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#2. Bangkok, Thailand

- 2019 arrivals:25.85 million (6.9% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:24.18 million (7.7% change from 2017 to 2018)

Bangkok is actually known by locals as Krung Thep, short for Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Yuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit (the city’s official full name). The Thai capital is yet another old city that is learning how to blend its past and its future—preserving magnificent temples and palaces, while also building edgier skyscrapers.

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#1. Hong Kong, Hong Kong

- 2019 arrivals:26.72 million (-8.7% change from 2018 to 2019)
- 2018 arrivals:29.26 million (5% change from 2017 to 2018)

Hong Kong stayed at the top of the list for another year in a row, and that should continue to be the trend, despite a small decrease in travelers, most likely because of the anti-government protests that have happened throughout 2019. Even though tensions between Hong Kong and mainland China are still tense, Hong Kong’s tourism industry is still improved by the territory’s proximity to the massive country, with over 50% of its 2018 arrivals coming from the mainland. While the city has been traditionally known for its vibrant shopping centers, especially the Temple Street Night Market, Hong Kong has been focusing on showing off its natural beauty and culture, for when city life just gets too hectic. Visitors can enjoy beautiful beaches, numerous nature reserves, and hiking trails, and they might even get to glimpse Hong Kong’s famous but rare pink dolphins.
